Unlock my secret for attracting the right women in August 2024 (5 day program)
**New Course for August**
Unlock my secrets for attracting the right kind of women in 2024
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Only $250 for the next 13 hours
Meaning the courses goes back up to $2500 on my website after tonight at 12:01am est
The course has five parts
Part 1: building your confidence to go out attracting bad thorough breds.
Part 2: the openings and starting your conversation with all women.
Part 3: emotional intelligence and constant focus to get yours. And listening for what you need to know to be able to play (you can't play without this)
Part 4: non verbal cues and knowing which move to make at each time that it's possible. These will be taught through my stories. Successes and failures so you can remember these lessons
Part 5: How to get rich and let her follow you and how to get her to beg to join you
Bonus pimp millionaire conversations
Remember this high powered game is only available during the month of August in 2024.
So don't miss out.
Why? Because I dont want all of y'all using my game if you aren't in the mob ya dig
To join DM me and pay your bread.
Or don't..
What did a OG that I looked up to say, " the player with the most game should have all the broads. Not sharing none with no one else lol. Ya dig
P.S I just added twenty new spare classes to my patreon. Join me there at