The Game is a living breathing organism it will go in with or without you. Get $
Today we are speaking on how the game is a living breathing organism and it doesn’t stop.
It has been going on with greats before you and I were born and it will be going on after we are gone.
It goes on while the brothers are in jail.
It goes on when brothers lose their b___ so they are not in the league.
It’s like the NBA or NFL
Everything is about what you do when you make it into the pros.
Are you going to bulls__ your career away drinking, smoking, partying too much.
Going to jail.
Depending on, relying on the wrong b_____
Or are you going to step it up and be legit like the real players are
And be straight your whole career like your favorite basketball players etc.
You decide
I’m giving examples from my life
How I got her.
How I stay here.
When I fell off
And how
And more
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$1,000 class