Steps to living good. Finance yourself. Sign yourself. Get busy now. June25,2022
his morning I’m talking about
1. Attracting Income
2. Keeping the money
3. Multiplying the money
4. Making the name
Now I didn’t do it in this exact order each time.
But I did and do everything on this list.
I’m not great at saving bro.
But I’ve always made a lot.
So at sixteen I started making money.
But by 19 I had a little lump sum put up.
At 20 got scammed and lost it all trying to get into business to make my first million and didn’t get the million and lost all my dough lol.
Still at 20 I got serious about my profession.
So my income wasn’t a hustle or hit and miss as much.
Then I found a mentor and I also got a connection on my first level of connections
I made my first million at 23
Met up with my second mentor and moved to Northern California
Moved to California and lost it
But made two more million
Retired from the streets lost my money investing in businesses with suckers.
Had a kid and had to make it again.
Now I got back on my feet. But this time all legit. Parenting my kids fulltime and some more sh__.
But it all takes the four steps in some more.
I join us we are getting down this morning.
$1,000 class
But today you can get in at $250 for today’s class.
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