“I didn’t do it to make friends.” I played to win june26,2022
At 11am class
We are talking about
How most people “played this game to make friends etc &
We the Bonafide Players did not do that”
We played to win.
We would see these friendly guys going on no hot streaks or should I say they had no
“cold streak” in them at all.
We would just laugh and say he ain’t got it lol.
“We played the game to win.”
Like get over there with your
Friendly a__ n___.
We didnt do that.
Because if you had no killer instinct and no level of coldness you didn’t survive long in this game.
Then we seen the guys who were acting like they had it.
And they didnt.
They would fake and act cold.
And not ever have a hot streak where they was knocking everything moving.
And don’t misunderstand what I’m say in g.
I’m not saying to be rude (that’s like the brothers who were faking coldness.
Copying someone they seem who really had the game figured out and had a way to make being cold in certain instances work for him.
And the wanna bes just never could figured the deep game out.
But be likeable
Be cold and win some championships bro
Anyway $1,000
Killer instinct class
$500 if you sign up today before tomorrow