How to move in the different ways & have the different styles that players 7/8/2
Today we are getting a late start but hint here early
No Days Off !!!
Anyway we are talking about
“the different types and styles of players there wants, focus, disciplines and connections needed to make that style of playing work.”
Then after
We are talking about the different strategies that players apply from those various types and which each one is likely to apply when trying to get the outcome they focus on.
Now there is no right or wrong way to play it, it’s all in
1. How much you want to sacrifice.
2. how long you are willing to wait to get your end goal.
Etc etc and much more
But here are a few strategies below that you’ll see and some you’ll try n this journey.
Remember none are superior to each other it’s just which one you want to put your time in to master.
Every player has a move. Some have the arguing move (where the can fuss you into the right way of thinking.
Some have the smooth conversation move (romance)
some have the motivation move (money get rich conversations)
And other types
Now you can’t get in on this class it’s just for the mob
But when you are ready we are at
This post was a free sample of what the players are discussing this morning.
#Imjustaexstreetpimpfullofgami wanted to say more but I can’t read after this point lol
See you there