How to get him to not even try to sweat his old broad and your new broad again
New Class I’m teaching starting right now!!
“How to break a opposing P spirit where you don’t have to worry about him ever sweating the b___ again.”
Now let me just say,
If you hadn’t thought of it.. most people don’t het rich in this game because they don’t know how to keep their ____ .
They believe big in the cop and blow mentality and so they almost insure that their life and game and their life in the game will consist of years of nothing but copping and blowing. Instead of them living like me and the other real players and getting
A b___ for five years, most for ten and sometimes you’ll do like I did and get a twenty year run.
Bro imagine what life would be like if you didn’t have to look over your shoulder and you know that she’ll always be there.
Imagine what it’s like To be able to know that she is going to give you everything that you’ve ever wanted and that in return You are going to give her back everything that she wants and ever wanted and ever will want.
Imagin what it’s like to be able to…. Wait I’m giving up too much game already lol (go get the course or pay your money and call in and listen to this class)
But now
Imagine the opposite.
Imagine you go through your b__ phone and you always see someone that she has been talking too.
Imagine worried and trying to baby her and beg her to stay with because you have got sucker feelings for her (and she knows it) but she can’t stay because she don’t want a soft boring man is soft on her instead of being confident and stomp down for his.
Now just imagine your woman coming back home only to leave again a few months later and then she comes back because it didn’t work with the last guy but as soon as she has been there two months again she is gone again on you. She can’t stay… she won’t stay… maybe she secretly hates you.
Now which one would you rather have?
The choice is yours
Just simple send your money and come to this class today and see how to get guys off the trail your your broad.
In this class I am going to tell you some stories about how me and other high powered players accomplished this and what you can learn from it to change your life and take your game to the next level. Hey what’s
Dm me to order today
Should cost $500
But only $300
Order mow
Or you may lose your broad to someone who learns this secret from me today
And you’ll never get your b___ back